Tangram Software Licenses -
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Tangram Software Licenses

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Product Summary

Tangram software options are one off licence files that enable specific functionalities, Multiplexing, Tuner expansion, IP Streaming expansion, Encryption or Decryption of services, plus many more. The software options can be bought at the same time as the hardware, or as a separate order. You can add software options to an existing Tangram at any time, when you want more functionality or simply to upgrade to the latest available features.
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Features and Benefits

  • Individual unlocking of required functionality. You only pay for what you use
  • Hospitality applications for content protection using DRM including both descrambling and scrambling of services
  • Firmware version upgrades for 12 months from activation
  • Quick and easy expansion by adding additional units or software options, extended SLA available
  • Absolute flexibility for signal processing

Where to Buy

Product Range

Part Number Description Applies to
14MM-GTAES Software option for AES scrambler GT31W, GT33, GT41
14MM-GTAESX Software option for AES scrambler GT31W, GT33, GT41
14MM-GTASE Software option for basic transport stream monitoring and INCA ASE integration GT2x, GT3x and GT4x modules
14MM-GTBISS Software option for BISS descrambler 8 Service GT31W, GT41
14MM-GTBTS Software option for MTS+SAP (BTSC) audio modulation for PAL-M and NTSC GT21W
14MM-GTCASRED Software option for CAS input redundancy GT11, GT01W0230, GT23W, GT41
14MM-GTDOL Software option for Dolby Digital audio decoding GT21
14MM-GTDT2MIDE T2-MI de-encapsulation - Dual inlcuding 4 PLP's GT31W, GT41
14MM-GTFEC Software option for IP streaming with FEC Error correction or protection GT21, GT22C, GT23W, GT24W, GT26, GT31W, GT32W, GT33, GT41, GT42W
14MM-GTLYNK Software option for Samsung LYNK scrambler GT41
14MM-GTLYNKX Software option for Samsung LYNK scrambler GT41
14MM-GTM1 Software option for additional 1 year SUA extension ALL HARDWARE
14MM-GTM3 Software option for additional 3 year SUA extension ALL HARDWARE
14MM-GTMON Basic TS Monitoring and Logging GT2x, GT3x and GT4x modules
14MM-GTMUX Software option for enabling the multiplexer GT23W, GT24W, GT26, GT31W, GT32W, GT33, GT34, GT42W
14MM-GTNRED Software option for N+1, 1+1 module redundancy GT11, GT01W0230
14MM-GTOS2 Software option for DVB-S/S2/S2X tuner extension GT34
14MM-GTPISCR16 Software option for Pro:Idiom scrambler 16 Service GT41
14MM-GTPISCR24 Software option for Pro:Idiom scrambler 24 Service GT41
14MM-GTPISCR8 Software option for Pro:Idiom scrambler 8 Service GT41
14MM-GTPSISI Software option for PSI/SI sharing and regeneration GT23W, GT24W, GT26, GT34, GT31W, GT32W, GT33, GT42W
14MM-GTQT2MIPL T2-MI de-encapsulation - 4 Additional PLP's GT31W, GT41
14MM-GTRED IP input stream redundancy GT21W, GT22C, GT23W, GT24W, GT26, GT32W, GT41, GT42W
14MM-GTSCR Software option for DVB-Simulcrypt-Scrambling GT23W, GT24W, GT31W, GT33, GT41
14MM-GTSCRPROX Software option for Simulcrypt proxy server GT11, GT01W0230
14MM-GTSCRX Software option for DVB-Simulcrypt-Scrambling GT23W, GT24W, GT31W, GT33, GT41
14MM-GTSCRXL Software option for extending Simulcrypt CSA scrambler with 128 services (max. 512 PIDs) GT23W
14MM-GTSRT Software option for SRT reception and broadcast GT21W, GT22C, GT23W, GT24W, GT26, GT32W, GT41, GT42W
14MM-GTSTRX Software option extension for IP streaming up to 128x in- and outputs GT31W, GT32W, GT33, GT41, GT42W
14MM-GTSTRXL Software option extension for additional 128 IPTV inputs GT23W
14MM-GTSYMUX Software option for multiplexing and PSI/SI sharing GT23W, GT24W, GT26, GT34, GT31W, GT32W, GT33, GT42W
14MM-GTT2MIDE T2-MI de-encapsulation - Single including 2 PLP's GT31W, GT41
14MM-GTVMX Verimatrix Bulk Decryption GT41
14MM-GTVMXX Verimatrix Bulk Decryption GT41
14MM-GTVSEC Software option for Philips Vsecure scrambler GT41
14MM-GTVSECX Software option for Philips Vsecure scrambler GT41
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