12MM-H60 - H60 Field Strength Meter with Digital Processing
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H60 Field Strength Meter with Digital Processing


Discontinued Product

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Product Summary

12MM-H60 is discontinued and has been superseded by 12MM-MOSAIQ6.

The H60 is a professional-grade Televes RF instrument for measuring DVB-T, DVB-C, DVBS/S2 and Analogue signals. The H60 features fibre optic input allowing the user to measure RF signals directly from an RFoG solution via the onboard optical receiver. With a wide range spectrum analyser to 3300 MHz and featuring real-time sweep, the H60 is the ultimate tool for professional installers. With the ability to power up devices directly from the instrument, you can tune and balance your network on the go.
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Features and Benefits

  • Multifunction signal analysis and compliant with DVB-T, DVB-S/S2, DVB-C, FM and Analog signals, Optical tests on 1310nm, 1490nm and 1550nm and 3.3GHz spectrum analyser
  • Full data log analysis
  • Conditional interface
  • Full spectrum analysis with colour screen
  • Dolby digital compliant
  • Built in DC voltage insertion for powering amplifiers and LNB where satellite testing required

Where to Buy

Pack Quantity

Inner: 1 box of 1 piece


Scan & Log w/ Automatic Identification Terrestrial/CATV Yes
Satellite Yes
Universal Auto Lock. DVB-T, DVB-C, DVB-S&S2 Yes
Q.A.L (QPSK Auto Lock) Yes
Interfaces HDMI, USB, SD Card, Mini-DIN, CAM, FC/APC (F.O.)
USB SW Update Yes
Latest Version HW & SW Yes
Thumbwheel Navigation Yes
Satellite Frequency Selection IF, real RF, Channel and memory
Menu and Measurement Display On-Screen-Display (OSD)
Teletext Analog & Digital
One Screen Measurements Yes
Pass/Fail Indicators Yes
Real-time COMBO Mode Yes
Dynamic Range Terr/CATV 60dB
Satellite 55dB
Fibre Optics Interface Yes
HDMI Output Yes
Spectrum Analyser 3.3GHz
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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