14MM-VX29B - WISI 108-1218MHz 42dB Gain Remote Powered Amplifier
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14MM-VX29B - WISI 108-1218MHz 42dB Gain Remote Powered Amplifier Back of Product Image
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14MM-VX29B - WISI 108-1218MHz 42dB Gain Remote Powered Amplifier Packaging Image

WISI 108-1218MHz 42dB Gain Remote Powered Amplifier


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Product Summary

The VX29B is a 42dB gain remote powered distribution amplifier with a waterproof and RF-screened die-cast housing. The VX29B is perfect for harsh environments such as pedestals and other types of outdoor enclosures. Two-way output is available by using the XM51B splitter (sold separately). 14MM-ZG28 required to adapt to F-Type outputs or 14MM-ZG01 for 5/8 output.
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Features and Benefits

  • Remote powered 27-65 V AC can be used as a network power inserter by the addition of a 14MM-XE29 cabling kit (sold separately)
  • All settings (gain, slope etc.) via WISI bluetooth app or by OH41 hand controller
  • Integrated diplex filters (85 MHz and 204 MHz) and return-path amplifier
  • Automatic level and slope control (ALSC)
  • 2-way output optional by adding 14MM-XM51B splitter (sold separately)
  • IP66 rated with operating temperature range -20 to +65 degrees C

Where to Buy


Down-Stream / DS
Frequency range 108...1218 / 258...1218 MHz (F1/F2)
Noise figure 9 dB
Gain 44 dB (±0.75 dB)
Frequency response ±0.75 dB
Input attenuator 0...20 dB (0.5 dB steps)
Interstage cable simulator 0/5/10 dB
Interstage attenuator 0...20 dB (0.1 dB steps)
Interstage equalizer 0...25 dB (0.1 dB steps) / pivot point 1218MHz
Interstage slope 0...15 dB (1 dB steps) / pivot point 1218 MHz
Output level 106 dBμV (all QAM (138 x 256 QAM), BER <1e-9, flat)
Output level 108 dBμV (all QAM (138 x 256 QAM), BER <1e-9, 12 dB slope)
Output level 111 dBμV (Cenelec 41 Ch,CTB/CSO >60 dB)
Output level 113 dBμV (Cenelec 41 Ch, CTB/CSO >60 dB slope 12 dB)
Input test point (bidirectional) -20 dB (±1.5 dB to 858 MHz / ±2 dB 1218 MHz)
Output test point (directional coupler) -20 dB (±0.75 dB)
Automatic level and slope control (ALSC)
ALSC-Mode off / one pilot / two pilots
Pilot frequency 40...1002 MHz 0.1 MHz
Pilot modulation format QAM / PAL / CW
Control range within the user settings ± 6 dB / att / slope
Upstream (US)
Frequency range 5...85/5...204 MHz (F1/F2)
Gain 32 dB (±0.75 dB)
Frequency response ±0.75 dB
Input attenuator 0...15 dB (0.5 dB steps)
Interstage equalizer 0...12 dB (1 dB steps)
Interstage attenuator 0...15 dB (0.5 dB steps)
Noise figure 8 dB
Output level
-F1 / 8 QAM256 BER <1E-9 > 113 dBuV
-NPR > 50 dB 60 MHz load / -7dBµV / dyn. > 22 dB
-F2 / 24 QAM256 BER <1E-9 > 107 dBµV
-NPR > 50 dB 192 MHz load. / -7 dBµV/Hz / dyn. > 16 dB
Ingress Control Switch (ICS) 0/ -6/ <-45 dB (Opt. with Receiver-mod)
General data
RF connectors PG11
Impedance 75Ω
In/Output return loss 5...40 MHz >18 dB, 40..1218 MHz >18 dB, -1.5 dB/oct. >12 dB
Supply voltage 27...90 V AC
Power consumption 24 W
Remote power current insertion < 10 A
Remote power current in and outputs < 10 A
Hum modulation @ 7A, f > 15 MHz > 70 dB
Ambient temperature -20...+65°C
Protection class IP66
EMC EN50083-2
Surge protection RF ports 6 kV (1.2/50 µs pulse EN61000-4-5)
Dimensions (width x height x depth) 232 x 158 x 86 mm
Bluetooth functionality
Downstream configuration Input attenuator, interstage attenuator, interstage slope, interstage equalizer, cablesimulator, ALSC, FlexAccess
Upstream configuration Input attenuator, Interstage attenuator, Interstage equalizer, ICS, ALSC, FlexAccess
Options ICS-Receiver -> Receiveraccording to EN60728-14, UNI - UHF Slope -> XE...
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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